Jugalbandi 2

Jugalbandi 2 was very unique event in which people with different abilities demonstrated their true spirits life and undounted ability to be happy and spread happiness. This event was conducted on 1st Dec 2013 at Gandhi Nehru Auditorium of National College, Basavanagudi. More than 30 visually challenged artists game outstanding performance in Dance , music and singing peformances from alomost 30 visually challenged artisits. Mouth Artist Manjibhai along with foot Artist Ramakrishnan were main attraction. Sudheendra, Team of Articulate Abilities, Renowned Blind Singer Rajaan Brothers were other inspirational performers. Pallavi Prakash once again entertained all of us with her elegance on the Dance Floor.

In addition to the stage performances, more  than 70 childern from APD; Chandrashekar School of Speech and Hearing and Yeshashwini Trust participated in a event named "SHARE A DREAM". In this event kids expressed and shared their dreams through sketches and drawings and paintings. The volunteers from the A Littel Dream (ALD) group of Mrs. Reena Choudary was phenominal. We even had blind children to draw/paint their dreams on Canvas and share with all.

Disability Commissioner Mr. K.S Rajanna himself demonstrated his craftmenship by making a paper bird and gifting the same to the Founder of ASTHA Sunil Jain with lot of appreciation and regards for the work that ASTHA do.

More than 500 people witnessed this event and the view of disablity altered in the world for these people out of this event. Paintings of Manjibhai, Pratima and Ramakrishan were once again auctioned a Fund of 70000 was  generated by this event.



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Bangalore - 560018


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