1st Nov, 2015, Sunday, Bangalore: National College, Basvangudi was filled with high energy thanks to the drumming session.
As with all the events that Astha has organized till date, this event too was organized in the form for a jugalbandi wherein 14 differently abled abled and 10 abled people came together to play Djembe. We organize jugalbandi events because We believe that through this approach the boundaries between the two worlds be seen experienced and then we both can empower each other to remove these boundaries and the two worlds can relate to each other for the strengths that people have rather than focus on the weaknesses. By creating opportunities for interaction the people in the two worlds will understand each other better and build relationships of joy, satisfaction and contribution.
On the occasion of the drum jam session Priyanka Shylendra, ASTHA key volunteer had lot to say. She shared
I have always thought that music that sounds good to ears can be created only after years of practice and dedication, I never imagined that people who have no prior experience in playing any instrument can create such powerful music only my listening to instructions and being involved. And this event only emphasised what astha believes in, that ability or disability is only a state of mind. Visually challenged people, people on wheel chair, even a person without hands was part of the drum jam circle, wherein he used his legs with bells tied to them to create music. It was magical to see everyone come together and completely feel the adrenalin rush of a drum jam
Ashirwad Acharekar, the facilitator for the drum session, said “ drumming is a very healing process wherein through the action of beating the drums.
This is what he had to say
Gowri Rastogi, participant at the drum jam session said “it filled me with positivity and all the negative energy was gone at end of the drumming session.